Good afternoon everybody. Today I'm going to address the issue of having an ID to vote. When someone votes they must state who they are, right? So why not prove it with a picture ID? We show them for just about everything we do. The argument for an ID is to prevent fraud.The argument against, is getting a free ID is a burden. The left claims there is not much fraud so why bother? The fraud the left talks about is voting multiple times or voting illegally. The one fraud they don't talk about is the "voter drives" the left are famous for. This is how they cheat. They collect names of folks from street corners. They gather massive lists from each state. Then cross check the names with voter lists to see how often they vote & are registered. If they rarely vote, and folks more than half of registered voters don't vote, the left sends in people near end of voting and these people, armed with fake bills from the address of the voter, and claim to be that person & vote. No one can prove anything. Having an ID would stop that type of cheating. And the left would lose millions of votes. This is the REAL reason the left keeps making ridiculous claims to try & stop voter ID. IDs are free, there is no burden to get one. Is voting a burden too? I know very many poor minorities, homeless folks, and they all have IDs. They are free & easy to get. Integrity at the voting booth is the most important thing. Otherwise voting just doesn't matter if folks are allowed to cheat. Remember a couple of years ago the lefties called in the U.N. to monitor voting in Texas? Do you know what the U.N. said after they were here? They were stunned to see that a great democracy like the U.S. had such open voting, where rampant cheating could occur. Every democracy in the world, has at least a photo ID. Some even have finger print checks. These other nations don't want any kind of cheating going on. Let the voters speak.
So don't believe these speeches by lefties about voter ID. They are lying.
(Editor's note, me) The reason the lefties wait till near the end of voting, is because their cohorts at the precincts, not all precincts but many, are called and they give a list of registered voters who didn't show up. Their fake bills are already made & all they do is add the names. Then they head down to the voting precinct, usually by the bus load & vote. Having an ID would stop this practise. You watch & see, if the voter ID law is tied up by the liberal courts, you will see this happen. All across the nation.
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