Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Impeachment & A President.

                          Here's the real reason Nixon was forced to resign from office:
                "He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents,  
           endeavored to...cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, 
            income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory 
            Article 2, Section 1,
            Articles of Impeachment
            Adopted by the House Judiciary
             Committee, July 29 1974
                   You see folks, the Watergate Investigations into Nixon uncovered what he was doing with the IRS, to try & intimidate the voices who spoke out against him.The democrats already wanted him out but this cost him his support from his own party, the republicans. He then resigned the next day. So the question now for Obama is: Did you order this? If not, then who did and when did you know about it? Right now the democrats are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They're trying to claim these harassment's were done equally but we know that's not true. They looked at 19 liberal groups & quickly gave them the all clear. But with the conservative groups, over 300, they put them through all sorts investigations & interrogations & many still haven't got the all clear. It was, and still is, harassment & intimidation, to try & silence the opposition. Lets not forget that the IRS chief visited Obama at the White House over 115 times. He said something about Easter. Well Easter is only once a year.     

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