Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Father & Morals Part 2

       Hello. I'm here today to talk more about the Father & redemption. How we lost our relationship with the Father from original sin. We lost paradice & eternity. As I was saying in the last blog, our sins come from the flesh. How we were in the flesh after Adam & Eve brought sin & death to us all. The Father had a plan from the beginning. We would need to sacrifice flesh for our sins. It was symbolic & worked for the time being. The plan for redemption was told immediately after sin happened.
      Before the Father created mankind He created angels. One particular angel was bothered about the creation of man. When the story of man became known this angel became jealous of the fact that mankind would eventually be closer to the Father than the angels themselves. The Father's Spirit would dwell with us. The story of the fall of man & how redemption would save us & the how it would happen, really bothered him. He complained & then rebelled against the Father. The Father cast him out of Paradise for his rebellion. The angel was eventually called Satan. The angels have free will, just as we do. He accused the Father as being a tyrant & that man would never choose to follow Him after the fall because they will not be able to see Him. Obviously Satan was playing right into the Father's plan. Father told him he could run about the planet & try to influence man. By Satan doing that is how the Father was able to set up redemption, if man chooses it. So creation began.
        Now back to the Garden. This is where Satan does his influence & causes man to sin, separating us from the Father. And this is where the plan is first talked about. Don't get me wrong. The Father was still angry that mankind fell & angry that Satan seduced us to fail. The plan here is set up. In Genesis 3:15 KJ, the Father says to Satan, who came as a snake which then was very beautiful, this: "And I shall put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall His heel." This is about Jesus, who will undo the sin that Adam brought to us. And eternity will be available again.
        So how does this happen? As I said our sins are from the flesh. So starting with Adam's 1st children, Cain & Able, the system was set up. We had to sacrifice flesh as an offering to the Father for our sin. Symbolic & would be acceptable for the time. The offering from Able was a young sheep, Cain offered fruit that he grew. This is covered in Genesis 4: 3, 4, & 5. We all know the story of Cain & Able & how Cain became jealous that the Father was pleased with Abel's offering but not Cains. And we know Cain murdered his brother. What Cain didn't understand was that sheep offering was the system for redemption. In Exodus 12:5 KJ, the Father is explaining to Moses about sacrifices the Israelis must do for the forgiveness of their sins.  This: "Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from goats: And you shall keep it up the 14th day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening." All of this is about Jesus, the sacrifice in the flesh because of our sin.
         My time is up, I will be back later for more. Stay tuned & have a beautiful day. Thank you.

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