Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What Is Going On With Our Courts?

Good evening ladies & gentlemen. I've been around a long time. The ruling by Fed Court on federal funding of cities is wrong & unconstitutional. The courts have no say in spending. That's up to Congress. And folks the federal govt has always used cuts in spending to get states to change laws. The seatbelt law was proposed by the feds but have no jurisdiction. So to get states to pass laws the feds hold back spending. They did that to each state. Same with motorcycle helmet law. Feds can't make a Fed law about that so forced states to adopt or lose money. This court in San Francisco is way off base. Courts have no say in expenditures. That belongs to Congress. Liberal judges are dangerous to the sovereignty of this nation. Courts also were wrong when getting involved with immigration. That too belongs in Congress not courts. Right now these courts are in violation of our Constitution. They are ignoring the laws. If I were Trump I would ignore false ruling & stop payments to states that keep violating the law. Courts would be in deep trouble if trying to run the Congress & Presidency. This lawlessness from the left needs to stop. Or take to Supreme Court. Settle these issues. Liberal fed courts are wrong & need to learn that.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Do Feminists Really Represent Women

Good evening ladies & gentlemen. Today I would like to talk about the womens' quest for equality. Is this about all women or is it about liberalsm? In Georgia there is an election. The contest is between a liberal man & a moderate Republican woman. Are the feminists going to back the woman because she is a woman or are they going to back the liberal man? Of coarse they will back the man over the woman. Which shatters the narrative of being for all women. This group has already shown it's not really about women when they reject those women who honor pro choice but by choosing life over death. We will see what this movement is really about in the run off election.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Father & Morals Part 4

          OK, so we are sinful & the Father set up a way for us to be redeemed, back to what we originally were, of His Spirit in a physical form. So a sacrifice of the flesh must be made for the sin of the flesh. That sacrifice wasn't just a nice person, He is the Son of God. By Jesus doing the sacrifice He absorbed all sin of mankind. In Peter 2:24nv it says: "Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness--by whose stripes you were healed." And in Colossians 1:14nv it says: "In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins." And in Isaiah 53: 5, 6 it says: "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.  "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, everyone, to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." That was parts of the New Testament & parts of the Old Testament.
          I will show more about the Old & New Testaments & Jesus. It all ties together. Folks, this is all real stuff. I'll be back later.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Father & Morals Part 3.

       So you now know a little about sin. You see the Father is pure, Holy, creator of life. Sin separates us from the Father. The Father is good. In Isiah 59:2 Isiah explains the separation. "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear you." In Romans 3:23nv. it says about us: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." So Adam brought us sin, we now are all sinners. As I was saying the Father, who truly loves us, set up a system that would make us acceptable to Him again.
        I told you about the sheep & the symbolism of it. About the flesh dying for our sin because sin comes from the flesh. Jesus died for our sin. Here in Romans 8: 2, 3nv. it says: "For the law of  the Spirit of life in Jesus Christ has made me free from the law of sin & death.  For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh."
        More tomorrow folks. I must leave now. Thanks.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Father & Morals Part 2

       Hello. I'm here today to talk more about the Father & redemption. How we lost our relationship with the Father from original sin. We lost paradice & eternity. As I was saying in the last blog, our sins come from the flesh. How we were in the flesh after Adam & Eve brought sin & death to us all. The Father had a plan from the beginning. We would need to sacrifice flesh for our sins. It was symbolic & worked for the time being. The plan for redemption was told immediately after sin happened.
      Before the Father created mankind He created angels. One particular angel was bothered about the creation of man. When the story of man became known this angel became jealous of the fact that mankind would eventually be closer to the Father than the angels themselves. The Father's Spirit would dwell with us. The story of the fall of man & how redemption would save us & the how it would happen, really bothered him. He complained & then rebelled against the Father. The Father cast him out of Paradise for his rebellion. The angel was eventually called Satan. The angels have free will, just as we do. He accused the Father as being a tyrant & that man would never choose to follow Him after the fall because they will not be able to see Him. Obviously Satan was playing right into the Father's plan. Father told him he could run about the planet & try to influence man. By Satan doing that is how the Father was able to set up redemption, if man chooses it. So creation began.
        Now back to the Garden. This is where Satan does his influence & causes man to sin, separating us from the Father. And this is where the plan is first talked about. Don't get me wrong. The Father was still angry that mankind fell & angry that Satan seduced us to fail. The plan here is set up. In Genesis 3:15 KJ, the Father says to Satan, who came as a snake which then was very beautiful, this: "And I shall put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall His heel." This is about Jesus, who will undo the sin that Adam brought to us. And eternity will be available again.
        So how does this happen? As I said our sins are from the flesh. So starting with Adam's 1st children, Cain & Able, the system was set up. We had to sacrifice flesh as an offering to the Father for our sin. Symbolic & would be acceptable for the time. The offering from Able was a young sheep, Cain offered fruit that he grew. This is covered in Genesis 4: 3, 4, & 5. We all know the story of Cain & Able & how Cain became jealous that the Father was pleased with Abel's offering but not Cains. And we know Cain murdered his brother. What Cain didn't understand was that sheep offering was the system for redemption. In Exodus 12:5 KJ, the Father is explaining to Moses about sacrifices the Israelis must do for the forgiveness of their sins.  This: "Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from goats: And you shall keep it up the 14th day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening." All of this is about Jesus, the sacrifice in the flesh because of our sin.
         My time is up, I will be back later for more. Stay tuned & have a beautiful day. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Voter ID. The Big Lie.

     Good afternoon everybody. Today I'm going to address the issue of having an ID to vote. When someone votes they must state who they are, right? So why not prove it with a picture ID? We show them for just about everything we do. The argument for an ID is to prevent fraud.The argument against, is getting a free ID is a burden. The left claims there is not much fraud so why bother? The fraud the left talks about is voting multiple times or voting illegally. The one fraud they don't talk about is the "voter drives" the left are famous for. This is how they cheat. They collect names of folks from street corners. They gather massive lists from each state. Then cross check the names with voter lists to see how often they vote & are registered. If they rarely vote, and folks more than half of registered voters don't vote, the left sends in people near end of voting and these people, armed with fake bills from the address of the voter, and claim to be that person & vote. No one can prove anything. Having an ID would stop that type of cheating. And the left would lose millions of votes. This is the REAL reason the left keeps making ridiculous claims to try & stop voter ID. IDs are free, there is no burden to get one. Is voting a burden too? I know very many poor minorities, homeless folks, and they all have IDs. They are free & easy to get. Integrity at the voting booth is the most important thing. Otherwise voting just doesn't matter if folks are allowed to cheat. Remember a couple of years ago the lefties called in the U.N. to monitor voting in Texas? Do you know what the U.N. said after they were here? They were stunned to see that a great democracy like the U.S. had such open voting, where rampant cheating could occur. Every democracy in the world, has at least a photo ID. Some even have finger print checks. These other nations don't want any kind of cheating going on. Let the voters speak.
     So don't believe these speeches by lefties about voter ID. They are lying.

(Editor's note, me) The reason the lefties wait till near the end  of voting, is because their cohorts at the precincts, not all precincts but many, are called and they give a list of registered voters who didn't show up. Their fake bills are already made & all they do is add the names. Then they head down to the voting precinct, usually by the bus load & vote. Having an ID would stop this practise. You watch & see, if the voter ID law is tied up by the liberal courts,  you will see this happen. All across the nation.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Impeachment & A President.

                          Here's the real reason Nixon was forced to resign from office:
                "He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents,  
           endeavored to...cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, 
            income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory 
            Article 2, Section 1,
            Articles of Impeachment
            Adopted by the House Judiciary
             Committee, July 29 1974
                   You see folks, the Watergate Investigations into Nixon uncovered what he was doing with the IRS, to try & intimidate the voices who spoke out against him.The democrats already wanted him out but this cost him his support from his own party, the republicans. He then resigned the next day. So the question now for Obama is: Did you order this? If not, then who did and when did you know about it? Right now the democrats are trying to sweep this under the carpet. They're trying to claim these harassment's were done equally but we know that's not true. They looked at 19 liberal groups & quickly gave them the all clear. But with the conservative groups, over 300, they put them through all sorts investigations & interrogations & many still haven't got the all clear. It was, and still is, harassment & intimidation, to try & silence the opposition. Lets not forget that the IRS chief visited Obama at the White House over 115 times. He said something about Easter. Well Easter is only once a year.