Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Father & Morals. Part 1

      Good afternoon everybody!!! Today I'm going to talk about questions about the Father & morals. Some say morals not important  & others ask, what difference does it make.
       Well 1st, we need to try understand just what or who is the Father. The Father or God is a Spirit.
He is not of the flesh. He is the Creator of life.  The angels are of the Spirit. We on the other hand are made in the flesh & live in a material reality. The 1st humans He made were of the flesh & the spirit.
The Father gave them, male & female, a paradise. He asked only one thing from them. He created many trees & plants bearing fruit to eat. He asked them to not eat from one tree through out paradise, the tree of knowledge of good & evil. He warned them if they eat from that tree they would surly
die. It was a test of character & it was very true. They had the gift of eternity. Well they both flunked
the test & lost eternity & brought death to all of humanity that follows. But even then He set up a way back to eternity. Like I pointed out in Genesis 3:15 nv.
     The Father understood that in the flesh we could not be pure or righteous. So the long road back to redemption, back with the Father & eternity has begun. The story of humanity & his relationship with God. The Father knew we would keep making mistakes & He set up a system to cleanse ourselves & be pure. And because of our nature it would have to be repeated every year. This system was symbolic of what was to come & worked for the time being. See the flesh & the spirit are in conflict all the time. The flesh is carnal & knows only the material world, that which we can see. Our minds are capable of grasping the spiritual world & that which cannot be seen. He also set up the laws for us to live by through Moses. The system was sacrificing a healthy clean animal, eventually being a sheep. By doing that our inequities, our short comings & disobedience  to the Fathers law, we would be forgiven. Anything we did wrong could be forgiven.
      Iniquities are called sin. Sin separates us from the Father because He is pure. As it says in Isaiah: 59:2 nv, "Your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear."
  Our sin comes from the flesh. The spirit or soul that is part of us is overcome by the flesh. The law that Moses wrote is very difficult to live by. The Father makes it very clear that we are to be spiritually minded as we were intended to be in the 1st place. Here in Romans 8:4 nv it says:
 "That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." And in Romans 8:5, "For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live by the Spirit, the things of the Spirit."
    You see folks, everything living in the material world dies. The flesh dies. The grass dies, trees die, every living thing dies except the Spirit.
   Ok folks, I must leave now. I will explain more in the coming days. Just hang in there. Have a great & beautiful weekend.

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