Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What Is Going On With Our Courts?

Good evening ladies & gentlemen. I've been around a long time. The ruling by Fed Court on federal funding of cities is wrong & unconstitutional. The courts have no say in spending. That's up to Congress. And folks the federal govt has always used cuts in spending to get states to change laws. The seatbelt law was proposed by the feds but have no jurisdiction. So to get states to pass laws the feds hold back spending. They did that to each state. Same with motorcycle helmet law. Feds can't make a Fed law about that so forced states to adopt or lose money. This court in San Francisco is way off base. Courts have no say in expenditures. That belongs to Congress. Liberal judges are dangerous to the sovereignty of this nation. Courts also were wrong when getting involved with immigration. That too belongs in Congress not courts. Right now these courts are in violation of our Constitution. They are ignoring the laws. If I were Trump I would ignore false ruling & stop payments to states that keep violating the law. Courts would be in deep trouble if trying to run the Congress & Presidency. This lawlessness from the left needs to stop. Or take to Supreme Court. Settle these issues. Liberal fed courts are wrong & need to learn that.

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